🎯 The first six months of personal branding


It takes nine months for a baby to develop in its mother’s womb.

For pregnant mothers, those nine months are LOOOOOOONG.

The mom doesn’t get a day off.

The baby doesn’t get a day off.

The dad doesn’t get a day off.

There’s a lesson in there, specifically as it relates to entrepreneurship.

I’m making progress on my personal brand

Progress is slow and steady at the moment.

Last week, I found myself getting caught up in the Twitter growth game.

This week, I decided to recalibrate my focus.

The main task I need to focus on is developing the sales page for my copywriting services.

Until that page is done, I don’t feel that I can bring my services to market without feeling like an imposter.

I mean…

I could.

But I want to have a well-written, well-thought out page that shows and tells what I do as a copywriter.

It’s just one more piece of social proof & credibility.

At the moment, I am sticking with a PAS framework, and in the future, once I have some testimonials, I’d like to flip it to a PASTOR framework.

By the end of this coming week — that is, by Friday, July 28th — I’ll have this sales page ready to launch.

Twitter growth is still a priority

And that’s why I have booked myself with at least one call per day.

I really don’t want to burn myself out.

If I try to do too many calls, all my other life-related things will get shoved to the back burner and I’ll be ineffective in every arena of my life.

Aside from calls, I am strategizing ways that I can remain engaged.

Starting Monday, I will be:

  • Posting one thread per day, until Friday

  • Scheduling daily engagement in my calendar, three (3) engagement blocks of 10 minutes each

    • This is designed to prevent falling into the black hole of the Twitterverse

  • Focusing largely on transformational tweets and storytelling rather than platitudes and value tweets

I am happy about the following:

I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again…

Slow growth is good growth!

The first six months are gonna be tough

Every day, I am reminding myself of this fact.

I have already wanted to quit at least three times.

But I’m not going to.

My family’s future depends on my willingness to sacrifice and put in the work now.

I am confident that:

  • Many prospects will say “no”

  • Twitter growth will stagnate

  • I will run myself ragged

  • I will keep going

I don’t expect any of this to be easy.

In fact, showing up every day since June 12, 2023 has not been easy.

I am setting a calendar reminder to myself that December 12, 2023 is my six month anniversary on Twitter.

At that point, I want to see how far I’ve come.


The real measure will be where I am at two years from the start date.

So I am also setting a calendar reminder on June 12, 2025.

Entrepreneurship is a long-game.

Six months is a short amount of time.

A lot can happen in a short amount of time.

And a shit ton can happen in a long amount of time.

That’s it, y’all.

Much love.

If you read this, hit me up and gimme some feedback.
